Many birds migrate in flocks, traveling south for the winter and north for summer, as they follow warm weather and better feeding conditions. The Arctic Tern travels an estimated 45,000 miles EACH YEAR!
Hummingbirds are known to migrate up to several thousand miles each year, and are only found in the Americas. One unique feature with hummingbird migration is that they don’t travel in flocks, and will make the long trip alone, from some of the Northern States down to Central America, and back. But it isn’t learned behavior. It is inherent in the tiny creature. Their parents don’t tell them the best possible route, or point them in the right direction, they simply move out at just the right time, no questions asked.
Most remarkable is the fact that banded hummingbirds have been tracked to find their way back to the SAME backyard the next spring. A feat that many commercial airline pilots have told me would be very difficult for a seasoned pilot to accomplish without modern mapping and technology.
How do they do it? God has placed just the knowledge they need inside the tiny hummingbird, and fashioned them in a remarkable way that can inspire us, as humans.
When it seems like you are traveling this road alone, know that God will provide you with the directions you need to find the way. When it’s time to move out, all you have to do is listen for His call.
I’m David Rives
Truly, The heavens declare the glory of God