Creation vs Evolution as it relates to origins and the accounts that we read about in our Bibles is one of the most important subjects that we can study, as it helps us understand what our belief systems are based upon. That is why you need these 10 top Creation books in your library.
Here at David Rives Ministries we have curated a list of our 10 top favorite books relating to Creation Science and design in our Creator’s grand universe. Among these resources are Wonders Without Number – Created with Purpose or Conceived from Chaos? and 21 Verses Backed By Science – Deepen Your Faith by David Rives.
Over the past 13 years we have created and distributed content that is uplifting and easy to understand. We know how hard it can be to find good science material from a Christian creationist perspective. For this reason, we have carefully selected what we feel are the top 10 books available relating to Creation vs. Evolution.
We know that these resources will strengthen your faith and give you tools that you can use in your daily Christian walk and as you share your faith with friends and loved ones.
Browse our selection of the top 10 Creation books below:
![]() | EVOLUTION: THE GRAND EXPERIMENT VOLUME 1 BOOK BY DR. CARL WERNER Darwin’s book on evolution admitted that “intermediate links” were “perhaps the most obvious and serious objection to the theory” of evolution. Darwin recognized that the fossils collected by scientists prior to 1859 did not correspond with his theory of evolution, but he predicted that his theory would be confirmed as more and more fossils were found. One hundred and fifty years later, Evolution: The Grand Experiment critically examines the viability of Darwin’s theory. CLICK HERE TO BUY |
![]() | 21 VERSES BACKED BY SCIENCE – DEEPEN YOUR FAITH – BIBLE KNOWS BEST BOOK BY DAVID RIVES (3 COPIES) Author, lecturer, and television host David Rives takes readers through a fascinating and fast-paced examination of the cosmos, human intelligence, earth sciences, and wonders of the animal world. DISCOVER NUGGETS OF SCIENTIFIC TRUTH FOUND ALL THROUGHOUT SCRIPTURE. Did you know that the very origin of time, space, and matter can be found in the very first verse of the Bible? David Rives expertly demonstrates the fact that the Bible is an accurate record of history from beginning to end, and is also extremely accurate when revealing scientific principles that have only recently been discovered by modern science. What is DNA and what does it tell us about a Designer, God? Who used a Psalm to chart the “Paths of the Sea”? What creature travels 156,000 miles every year? Learn about the miracle system that preserves the tiny hummingbird, and discover the “stretching of the heavens” referenced in the Bible. Does the BIBLE KNOW BEST, and has it stood the test of time? The answers can be found within the pages of this inspiring book. CLICK HERE TO BUY |
![]() | UNTOLD SECRETS OF PLANET EARTH-DIRE DRAGONS BOOK BY VANCE NELSON If dinosaurs lived alongside people as the Bible indicates, then surely somewhere on planet earth the evidence of such an extraordinary coexistence would be found. Dire Dragons provides revolutionary and profound evidence from ancient artwork that there is a real, powerful, documentable, and defensible connection between the dragons of ancient times and the dinosaurs we know so well from fossils. CLICK HERE TO BUY |
![]() | THE STARGAZER’S GUIDE TO THE NIGHT SKY BOOK BY DR. JASON LISLE Explore the night sky, identify stars, constellations, and even planets. Stargaze with a telescope, binoculars, or even your naked eye. Allow Dr. Jason Lisle, a research scientist with a masters and PhD in astrophysics, to guide you in examining the beauty of God’s Creation with 150 full color star-charts. Learn the best ways and optimal times to observe planets and stars with easy to use illustrations. Create or expand the hobby of stargazing; an outdoor, educational hobby to enjoy with friends or family. CLICK HERE TO BUY |
![]() | WONDERS OF GOD’S CREATION BOOK BY ERIC LYONS An adventure on every page! Wonders of God’s Creation is packed with illustrations, photos, and amazing facts about some of the most unique and beautiful creatures alive! Creation declares the glory of God, and this book offers a window into the incredible diversity and complexity of that creation. Complex design (like that found throughout the Animal Kingdom) demands an intelligent Designer! The superbly designed animals all around us call for a Creator. In truth, the beauty, splendor, and design of God’s amazing animals should drive us closer to the Creator. These “fingerprints” of God should make us stand in awe of Him. They should send us to our knees in worship to Him. And, they should compel us to tell others about Him. See for yourself why none of this could have come about by chance! CLICK HERE TO BUY |
![]() | CARVED IN STONE: GEOLOGICAL EVIDENCE OF THE WORLDWIDE FLOOD BOOK BY DR. TIMOTHY CLAREY Carved in Stone showcases the geological data compiled across North America, South America, and Africa, with more discoveries to come as Dr. Clarey works through the remaining continents. Carved in Stone examines the sedimentary rock record continent by continent, layer by layer. The data provide clear geological evidence of a year-long progressive flood just as described in the Bible. CLICK HERE TO BUY |
![]() | SLAUGHTER OF THE DISSIDENTS 3 BOOK SERIES BY DR. JERRY BERGMAN (3 Books) Yes, we know this is a 3 book collection, but we felt this set was important enough to include in our top 10 list. Slaughter of the Dissidents Book Volume 1 provides detailed and extensive exposure of the systematic assault on creationists and other Darwin skeptics who dare challenge evolution’s strangle-hold on science. Many teachers and scientists who openly supported creation or Intelligent Design (or simply expressed a dissenting view on evolution) have been professionally censored and even dismissed from their professional positions. Silencing the Darwin Skeptics – The War Against Theists Book Volume II in the “Slaughter of the Dissidents” series by Dr. Jerry Bergman continues to document discrimination case studies of Darwin dissidents. With research, editing, and writing contributions by Kevin H. Wirth. This volume provides additional depth to Dr. Bergman’s claim that various forms of severe discrimination abound towards both educators and science professionals who challenge Darwinian assumptions. Censoring the Darwin Skeptics: How Belief in Evolution Is Enforced by Eliminating Dissident Book This is the third volume of a trilogy that has been more than a decade in the making. The trilogy documents over 100 cases of discrimination handed out to individuals (60 of whom were PhDs) who dared to challenge Darwinian concepts within many venues of science and academia. For those who think this type of discrimination is minor or inconsequential, you should examine this work. This type of discrimination is not rare by any means in America, but has been constantly on the rise for decades. CLICK HERE TO BUY |
![]() | WONDERS WITHOUT NUMBER – CREATED WITH PURPOSE OR CONCEIVED FROM CHAOS? BOOK BY DAVID RIVES Wonders Without Number is packed full of science, inspiring scripture, and over 160 color pictures, from beautiful galaxies, to diagrams and charts. It is appropriate for middle-school to adult, and is a great home-education resource. David has spent the past year writing and compiling in such a way as to make it informational for years to come, with amateur astronomer’s stargazing tips, and powerful ways for individuals to combat the dangerous theories of Darwinian evolution and cosmic evolution. Whether you are seeking answers to questions about the accuracy of the Bible as compared to secular science, or if you simply want to be encouraged by the truths of scripture, this book will enlighten and inspire, as it takes you on a journey through the wonders of the universe… Wonders Without Number CLICK HERE TO BUY |
![]() | BRILLIANT – MADE IN THE IMAGE OF GOD BOOK BY BRUCE MALONE Brilliant is a beautifully illustrated full-color, sewn hardcover which ties history to Biblical truth. Each page of the 128 page book shows an artifact or example from some ancient culture demonstrating the inventiveness, intelligence, or Biblical knowledge of ancient mankind. Every page also prominently features a timeline tying the artifact featured on that page to a 6000 year Biblical timeline and shows how ancient cultures and Biblical events fit into world history. This book ties biblical truth to true world history like no other book reinforces the reality that the Bible provides a true history of all of reality. CLICK HERE TO BUY |
![]() | GENETIC ENTROPY AND THE MYSTERY OF THE GENOME BOOK BY DR. JOHN SANFORD Genetic Entropy presents compelling scientific evidence that the genomes of all living creatures are slowly degenerating – due to the accumulation of slightly harmful mutations. This is happening in spite of natural selection. The author of this book, Dr. John Sanford, is a Cornell University geneticist. Dr. Sanford has devoted more than 10 years of his life to the study of this specific problem. Arguably, he has examined this problem in greater depth than any other scientist. CLICK HERE TO BUY |