Creation vs Evolution as it relates to origins and the accounts that we read about in our Bibles is one of the most important subjects that we can study, as it helps us understand what our belief systems are based upon. That is why you need these 10 top Creation DVDs in your video library.
Here at David Rives Ministries we have curated a list of our 10 top favorite DVDs relating to Creation Science and design in our Creator’s grand universe. Among these resources are Wonders Without Number – Created with Purpose or Conceived from Chaos? and 21 Verses Backed By Science – Deepen Your Faith by David Rives.
Over the past 13 years we have created and distributed content that is uplifting and easy to understand. We know how hard it can be to find good science material from a Christian creationist perspective. For this reason, we have carefully selected what we feel are the top 10 books available relating to Creation vs. Evolution.
We know that these resources will strengthen your faith and give you tools that you can use in your daily Christian walk and as you share your faith with friends and loved ones.
Browse our selection of the top 10 Creation books below:
Unlocking the Mysteries of Genesis is a groundbreaking 12-part DVD series that offers scientific evidence that confirms Genesis as a chronological record of God’s creation.
This one-of-a-kind, spectacular video set (with study guide) supports a Biblical worldview with empirical scientific evidence and offers defensible answers to some of the most provocative and controversial questions of faith and science.
This hour-long documentary explores the scientific evidence for intelligent design and purpose in the universe. In the process, Earth is revealed as far more than the product of time, chance, and random natural processes.
Through stunning computer animation, interviews with leading scientists, and spectacular images of Earth and the cosmos, The Privileged Planet explores a startling connection between our capacity to survive and our ability to observe and understand the universe. A connection that points directly to the work of a creative mind and plan.
This extraordinary documentary will be a focal point in the escalating debate between evolution and design.
David Rives navigates multiple areas of inquiry through captivating interviews with leading experts. Topics such as engineering, history, and biology combine to present a truly meaningful message. Two composers worked together to create the musical backdrop for “Refracted Glory” — an original score as dynamic as hummingbirds themselves.
Learn about helicopters from pilot Brandon Hummingbird, and understand hummingbird flight with the help of Professor Andy McIntosh. Ken Ham and Michael Oard guide us through an unexpected fossil discovery. David Menton talks about the extraordinary vision of hummingbirds, and Christopher Witt tells of hovering giants. Join our study of hummingbirds as we venture into ancient history, modern engineering, intriguing discoveries and eternal Truth. Featuring interviews by Bodie Hodge of Answers in Genesis. Presented by David Rives, president of David Rives Ministries and host of the weekly television program Creation in the 21st Century.
A Note from the Host, David Rives:
I was approached by Benjamin Owen, an award-winning filmmaker, in Dickson, TN about hosting a feature length documentary on Hummingbirds. As I began to do some preliminary research for the project, I realized that there has never been a documentary made about hummingbirds from a “design” perspective. These incredible creatures are so tiny, yet their capabilities are truly marvelous in every way!
In, Bible Knows Best – 21 Verses Backed By Science DVD, Author, lecturer, and television host David Rives takes readers through a fascinating and fast-paced examination of the cosmos, human intelligence, earth sciences, and wonders of the animal world. DISCOVER NUGGETS OF SCIENTIFIC TRUTH FOUND ALL THROUGHOUT SCRIPTURE. Did you know that the very origin of time, space, and matter can be found in the very first verse of the Bible? David Rives expertly demonstrates the fact that the Bible is an accurate record of history from beginning to end, and is also extremely accurate when revealing scientific principles that have only recently been discovered by modern science. What is DNA and what does it tell us about a Designer, God? Who used a Psalm to chart the “Paths of the Sea”? What creature travels 156,000 miles every year? Learn about the miracle system that preserves the tiny hummingbird, and discover the “stretching of the heavens” referenced in the Bible. Does the BIBLE KNOW BEST, and has it stood the test of time? The answers can be found by watching this DVD.