The Planet Jupiter is the largest in our solar system, the fifth from the sun and along with Saturn, Uranus and Neptune is classified as an outer planet.
Jupiter is so large that if it were hollow inside, over 1,000 Earths could be contained within. The planet is thought to be composed primarily of hydrogen and helium, and although it is much larger than Earth, Jupiter is considerably less dense.
The outer atmosphere is divided into many bands at differing latitudes resulting in turbulence and storms.
Perhaps the most notable feature on the planet is a gigantic storm known as ‘The Great Red Spot’.
This storm, which seems to be a permanent feature, has been recognized since the 17th century. It is observed to be rotating counterclockwise, and can be seen by many moderate-sized telescopes.
Jupiter’s mass compared to the sun is only .001 – However it is over twice as massive as all the other planets in the solar system COMBINED. A truly remarkable creation in a truly remarkable universe.
I’m David Rives…
The Heavens Declare the Glory of God.