Amazing Design in Creation – with David Rives and Dr. Jonathan Sarfati on TBN

Tune in to TBN (Trinity Broadcasting Network) THIS Friday, August 19th @ 5:30pm CDT (3:30pm Pacific) to see this week’s episode of Creation in the 21st Century. Join David Rives (host) as he welcomes Dr. Jonathan Sarfati to the program titled: “Amazing Design in Creation” In this episode, Dr. Sarfati and David present evidence for nature’s Intelligent Designer – The God of the Bible.

If you watched the program and want related material, Just click the photo and links below to go to our store.

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CLICK HERE to check out “By Design: Evidence for nature’s Intelligent Designer – the God of the Bible” Book in the Creation Superstore

Dr. Jonathan Sarfati presents case after case for amazing design in the living world, and demolishes theories of chemical evolution of the first life. Yet unlike many in the prominent Intelligent Design Movement, he is up-front about the truth of the Bible. This enables him to refute many anti-design arguments, and answer the key question: ‘Who is the Designer?’ (High School–Adult) 260 pages.

Buy “By Design: Evidence for nature’s Intelligent Designer – the God of the Bible” Book from the Creation Superstore

Call 931-212-7990 to order.




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CLICK HERE to check out “God the Master Designer: Evidence of Incredible Design in Nature” DVD in the Creation Superstore

Darwin was totally unaware of the amazing machinery in even supposedly simple cells, which is essential for life to exist. And even larger-scale designs are outside the reach of the alleged mutation plus selection mechanisms of evolution. Finally, Dr Sarfati shows fantastic and compelling evidence of design—so advanced that human engineers are learning and copying from it.

Buy “God the Master Designer: Evidence for Incredible Design in Nature” DVD from the Creation Superstore

Call 931-212-7990 to order.