Discovering The Pre-Flood World with David Rives and Dr. Tim Clarey on TBN

AIRDATE: March, 17th, 2018

Join David Rives as he welcomes Dr. Tim Clarey to the program. If we looked for rock layers that were laid down by Noah’s flood, what would we find? Could we track those layers across many states? Countries? What about Worldwide? Find out more on this week’s episode of “Creation in the 21st Century.”

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Unlocking the Mysteries of Genesis is a groundbreaking 12-part DVD series that offers scientific evidence that confirms Genesis as a chronological record of God’s creation.

Watch the Trailer for the Unlocking the Mysteries of Genesis series:

Targeted to the Millennial Generation, Unlocking the Mysteries of Genesis supports a biblical worldview with empirical scientific evidence and offers defensible answers to some of the most provocative and controversial questions of faith and science. Perfect for Sunday and evening classes and small groups, each of the 12……22-minute episodes take viewers of all ages on a memorable journey through some of the most fascinating topics in creation science, ranging from the origins of life in Genesis 1, to evolution, to the age of the universe, and Noah’s Flood. This faith-affirming series includes a viewer guide that makes it easy for non-scientists, including pastors, youth leaders, parents, homeschoolers, and others, to facilitate an informed discussion about creation science and equip viewers with defensible answers to some of the most provocative and controversial questions of faith and science.

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