Watch Creation in the 21st Century with David Rives on TBN this Saturday, November, 23rd at 1:30pm Central as David welcomes Bodie Hodge to the program. There are ultimately only two religions in the world: God’s and man’s. God’s religion is the truth because God is truth. God revealed the truth to us in his Word. The Word of God, the 66 books of the Bible, is true by virtue of it coming from God who is the truth. Learn more on this week’s episode of “Creation in the 21st Century.”
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These three volumes are a must for laymen, church leaders, teachers, and students wanting to understand the trends in our culture and around the world where certain religions dominate, helping you discern truth and guard your faith.
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CLICK HERE to check out “World Religions” 8 DVD Series in the Creation Superstore
In World Religions, learn what some of the best-known modern religions teach, how they differ from biblical Christianity, and how to share the Gospel.
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