how Darwin Changed Biology with David Rives and Dr. Randy Guliuzza on TBN

Tune in to TBN this Saturday, January 5th, at 1:30pm Central to see this week’s brand new episode of “Creation in the 21st Century.” Join David Rives as he welcomes Dr. Randy Guliuzza to the program to talk about the effect of Darwin’s faulty theories changed the study of biology. Learn more on this week’s episode of “Creation in the 21st Century.”

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CLICK HERE to check out “Back To Genesis” DVD in the Creation Superstore

Back to Genesis: Four Biological Facts the Bible Got Absolutely Right

Both creationists and evolutionists agree that creatures look designed, but their explanations differ. Evolutionists say natural selection creates the appearance of design, while creationists say the design is real. Which explanation best fits the evidence?In this video, Dr. Randy Guliuzza presents four biological facts the Bible got right but evolution got completely wrong. He explores the origin of life, the origin of reproduction, how creatures internally adapt to their environments, and the limits of creaturely change. A design perspective expects creatures to function like engineered organisms, a view that aligns perfectly with our observations about the universe. With his medical and engineering expertise, Dr. Guliuzza refutes evolutionary theories and affirms creation as the best explanation for biological life.

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CLICK HERE to check out “Twenty Evolutionary Blunders” book in the Creation Superstore

Darwinism has ruled science for over 150 years, but few today know the details of its less-than-stellar track record. Its proponents offer false predictions, plug colossal gaps of evidence with pure imagination, and, in some unfortunate cases, even use it to justify taking innocent lives. In Twenty Evolutionary Blunders, Harvard graduate Randy Guliuzza shines a light on many of these shortcomings. Learn how Hox genes contradicted Darwinist predictions, fossil forgery is routinely tolerated in the evolutionary community, “useless” biological organs turn out to be functional, and other interesting stories from the history of evolutionary theory. Rather than supporting Darwin’s theory, an honest look at the evidence consistently undermines it. Written in twenty brief chapters, this book offers an insightful but broad evaluation of Darwinism and its scientific merits. Paperback – Page count: 226

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Call 931-212-7990 to order.