Dip into the Whirlpool
If you haven’t tracked down “The Whirlpool Galaxy,” M51, just off the handle of the easily recognizable Big Dipper asterism, do it now while you still can! It will be too low for most to get a good view after September and you’ll need to wait until late winter or next spring to catch a good view of this truly picturesque galaxy.

A Brilliant Open Star Cluster
Off the western end of the constellation Cassiopeia is the beautiful Open Star Cluster M52. You can find it with 50mm or larger binoculars from a dark sky site, but the view is definitely better in a telescope.

Don’t Miss the Double Cluster
If you enjoyed observing M52, you’ll love the popular favorite “Double Cluster in Perseus.” Lying between constellations Cassiopeia and Perseus is a bright, fuzzy spot in the Milky Way, and a binocular will reveal two, bright open star clusters close to one another.