SNAKES! The Slithering Serpent – With David Rives and Nathan Hutcherson on TBN

Tune in to TBN (Trinity Broadcasting Network) this Friday, Feb. 26th @ 5:30PM CST (3:30 PM Pacific) to watch “Creation in the 21st Century.” Join David Rives (host) and reptile expert and herpetologist, Nathan Hutcherson in this exciting episode of “Creation in the 21st Century.” In this thrilling 30 minutes, Nathan Hutcherson and David Rives handle LIVE ANIMALS in this exciting program, looking at the function and purpose of some of the world’s creepiest creatures…..SNAKES!

If you watched the program and want related material, we have an awesome DVD series that covers the same material discussed on the TBN Show. Just click the photo and links below to go to our store.

creeping-things-series-dvd-setCLICK HERE to check out “Creeping Things” DVD Series in the Creation Superstore

Explore the world of God’s incredible Creeping Things!

Learn about God’s created creepers in the reptile and amphibian world through this new DVD series, Creeping Things. Herpetologist, Nathan Hutcherson, with his son and daughter, take you on an adventure, hunting down and finding these amazing creatures.

EPISODE 1: UNDERAPPRECIATED CREEPERS In this episode, Nathan and family travel to the mountains and desert to find snakes, skinks, scorpions, and toads. They share why these creatures are often underappreciated for the Creator’s designed role they play in nature. Nathan and family go hunting in caves, over mountains, and a on the road for a night drive to find these amazing creeping creatures.

EPISODE 2: DESERT CREEPERS In this episode, Nathan and family travel to the desert to find four different snakes, a vinegaroon, gecko, Chuckwalla lizard, iguana, scorpion, and tortoise. They share how these amazing creatures can live and thrive in the desert through adaptations God has given them. Nathan and family go hunting over dunes, rocky basins, to find these amazing creeping creatures.

EPISODE 3: CALIFORNIA CREEPERS In this episode, Nathan and family travel through Southern California to find tree frogs, turtles, water bugs, newts, and three different snakes. They share how these amazing creatures have adapted to the environments God has given them. Nathan and family go hunting over mountains and through streams to find these amazing creeping creatures.


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Call 931-212-7990 to order this compelling Book and DVD set (Sun-Fri 9am-5pm Central)