Are there other planets in the universe that are similar to Earth? Is the Earth in a favored position within our Milky Way galaxy? Why is Earth situated between the Sagittarius and Perseus arms of the Milky Way? Basically, is the Earth special? And if so, why?
When we look at the universe in all its vastness, it is easy to think of the Earth as small, and insignificant. But Earth has some extraordinary characteristics that enable it to survive in a universe that is – for the most part – hostile to life.
I addressed some of these issues in this YouTube video below:
The Galactic Habitable Zone is an area of relative safety within our own galaxy, the Milky Way. Many astronomers believe that the center of our galaxy is composed of a massive black hole. If this is true, any object situated near that area would be in danger of crossing the event horizon and disappearing forever. But Earth is not stationed there.
On the other hand, the outer edges of the galaxy would pose a threat to our existence as well. In these regions, the heavier elements essential for life are thought to be very rare – perhaps even nonexistent. But our “galactic address” isn’t there, either.
It’s interesting to note that our location, presumed to be between the Sagittarius and Perseus arms of the Milky Way, enables Earth to safely exist, without the threat of powerful supernovae, black holes, stellar collisions, or elemental deficiencies. In short, we just happen to be in the best possible position in our galaxy for life to exist. For those who trust in the God of the Bible, this is no surprise… We are told in the book of Isaiah that God formed the Earth to be inhabited.
Every star we see is a burning mass of plasma, like the sun. Even so, our Sun is not just any old star. It is a main sequence G2 star.
Here on Earth, we’re about 93 million miles from the Sun. That might sound like a trivial point, but it’s a very important distance. We are situated in a very narrow band circling the Sun that supports habitability. If Earth was only a few percent closer to the Sun, it would become like the planet Venus, boiling hot, and uninhabitable. However, around 20 percent farther away, and Earth would be frozen and lifeless.
Watch the video below as I explain more about Earth’s special position and distance in relation to our home star the Sun.
If Earth was on a very elliptical orbit around the Sun, then it would be alternately too close and too far away for life to be sustained. Instead, we find that Earth has a nearly circular orbit, situated at the perfect distance for life.
There can be no doubt that the Earth occupies a favored position – the only known position in which human life can be sustained. It was created with purpose.
“… thus saith the LORD that created the heavens; God himself that formed the earth and made it; he hath established it, he created it not in vain, he formed it to be inhabited:
Not only that, but God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Check out the DVD below to learn more.
A Universe With Purpose Video
Discover the home God built with us in mind. Look up at the night sky and you will see a vast array of stars and galaxies far beyond your ability to count. Join Dr. Jerry Bergman and David Rives on a journey to discover how perfectly well designed our universe is. Learn of God’s purpose for the universe in sustaining our home here on Earth.
Dr. Jerry Bergman has taught biology, biochemistry, anatomy, genetics and psychology in universities around the country. Dr. Bergman holds 9 degrees, including a Ph.D. from Wayne State University. With over 1,000 publications to his name, including over 20 books, his work has been translated into 13 languages.
Running Time Approx. 27 Minutes
Long story short, We see that the unique position of our Earth in the Milky Way galaxy makes it clear that Earth is not just one more rock that was flung randomly in space over millions of years of chance evolution, but that it was carefully positioned to support life, just like we read in Isaiah 45:18.
In addition, Earth’s unique relationship to our home star the Sun ensures that Earth does not overheat or supercool and gives us the seasons that we experience each year.
Next time a skeptic comes to you with questions about whether or not the Earth is just a “pale blue dot” floating in space, you can use this information to counter with truth… lovingly but confidently… and can state that the Bible is true from beginning to end. Most scientific discoveries have been pointing that direction, and this includes Earth and our Solar System.
I’m David Rives…Truly, the heavens declare the glory of God.
Check out the powerful faith-affirming resources below to learn a lot more about these topics.
We hear so much today about how the universe, the earth and life all supposedly came about by chance events and processes. In Spacecraft Earth, a bona fide rocket scientist, Dr Henry Richter—a pioneer in aerospace—challenges these views by exploring what is required for us to exist in the universe. He shows that we can think of our planet as a sophisticated spacecraft designed for our benefit. You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to understand this fascinating book! So dive in and discover for yourself the truth about our amazing universe and how it came to be!
What You Aren't Being Told About Astronomy Volumes 1 and 2 - OUR CREATED SOLAR SYSTEM & OUR CREATED STARS & GALAXIES DVD
Were they actually fierce predators? Did Noah take them on the ark? Did they live millions of years ago? Did you know that two hundred years ago no one had ever heard of a dinosaur? What are these creatures? How long ago did they live? And why did they go extinct? Learn answers in “Dinosaur Dilemma” Video.
This hour-long documentary explores the scientific evidence for intelligent design and purpose in the universe. In the process, Earth is revealed as far more than the product of time, chance, and random natural processes.
Through stunning computer animation, interviews with leading scientists, and spectacular images of Earth and the cosmos, The Privileged Planet explores a startling connection between our capacity to survive and our ability to observe and understand the universe. A connection that points directly to the work of a creative mind and plan.
This extraordinary documentary will be a focal point in the escalating debate between evolution and design.
Read the article below from one of our contributors on the unigueness of Earth compared to the other planets in our Solar System.
Read this article giving more evidence that the Earth is very specially designed to support life as opposed to the other planets and how some of the other planets actually protect our home planet Earth.
Earth’s Nice Home Neighborhood
If you have further questions or comments, we appreciate your sincere interest in this topic. Because of the thousands of emails we receive every week, many times emails don’t get answered for months. That is the reason we created this page, to compile some of the research our ministry has done on the issue. As we address more, we’ll simply add to this page, to try and keep it up to date with the most current research we’ve completed and are ready to release to the public.