The Weird Rotation of the Planet Venus | David Rives

Did you know that the planet Venus spins backwards while orbiting forward? This means that one full rotation of Venus lasts a solar system record 243 days. Because of this planet’s slow rotation, centrifugal force has little bearing on Venus and causes it to be nearly a perfect sphere. Watch this video with David Rives … Read More

venus surface

Venus’ Hot Surface Reveals Mysteries of Space | David Rives

Venus has surface features that indicate a young age for this rocky planet and evidence of violent occurrences similar to some we have experienced on planet Earth. Learn more about the crater on this planet named after the man who led to the creation of radar detection.

Venus' Thick Atmosphere

Venus’ Thick Atmosphere

Venus has a thick covering of clouds and solar winds blowing at up to 220 MPH. What makes Venus the 3rd brightest object in the night sky? What makes Venus’ thick atmosphere unique compared to that of Earth? Learn answers in this compelling video. Consider a tax-deductible donation to help us continue to make these … Read More

Venus – Our Next Door Neighbor | David Rives

During certain times of the year, star-gazers are treated to the sight of the second planet in our solar system, Venus, which appears as a bright white orb. This planet, which is similar in size and structure to Earth, was named for the Roman goddess of love. Venus has a thick atmosphere that traps in … Read More