The Age of the Earth – Is It Really That Important? – with David Rives and Steve Ham on TBN

Tune in to TBN (Trinity Broadcasting Network) THIS Friday, October 7th @ 5:30pm CDT (3:30pm Pacific) to see this week’s episode of “Creation in the 21st Century.” Join David Rives (host) as he welcomes Steve Ham to the program titled: “The Age of the Earth – Is It Really That Important?”

If you watched the program and want related material, Just click the photo and links below to go to our store.

30-9-393CLICK HERE to check out “Christian Unity – Should We Divide Over The Age of the Earth?” DVD in the Creation Superstore

What “Jesus” is the Church being asked to believe in?

We are told that the age of the earth is divisive and “all we need is Jesus.” But what “Jesus” is the Church being asked to believe in? Is it the Jesus of Scripture, or a Jesus of man’s own making? And how does this apply to the age of the earth issue?

In this much-needed new presentation, Steve Ham shows that in our Savior’s own prayer of John 17, unity is not developed through academic consensus, but by believing the clear truth of the Word of the revealed Creator/Savior Himself. Jesus Christ is not just God of the gospels; He’s God of the entire Bible. True unity, based in Jesus, means defending God’s Word from the very first verse!

Buy this DVD from the Creation Superstore

Call 931-212-7990 to order.