The Genetics of Adam and Eve – With David Rives and Dr. Georgia Purdom on TBN

Tune in to TBN (Trinity Broadcasting Network) THIS Friday, January 27th @ 5:30pm Central (3:30pm Pacific) to see this week’s episode of “Creation in the 21st Century.” Join David Rives (host) as he welcomes Dr. Georgia Purdom to the program to discuss “The Genetics of Adam and Eve”. Were Adam and Eve real people as the Biblical account indicates? Have all humans descended from an original couple specially created by God as described in Genesis? Watch this episode of “Creation in the 21st Century” to find the answers to these questions and more!

If you watched the program and want material related to the topic, just click the photo and links below to go to our store.

CLICK HERE to check out “The Genetics of Adam and Eve” DVD in the Creation Superstore

Were Adam and Eve real people as the Biblical account indicates? Have all humans descended from an original couple specially created by God as described in Genesis? Join Dr. Purdom in this compelling DVD as she gives answers to these questions and more. This DVD is directly associated with the message that Dr. Georgia Purdom brings on this week’s episode of Creation in the 21st Century.

CLICK HERE to buy this DVD today!

Call 931-212-7990 to order.





CLICK HERE to check out “THE BIBLICAL ANSWER TO RACISM – It’s Not About Skin Color” DVD in the Creation Superstore

What does God’s Word say about the races? Is evolutionary theory racist, and are some people “superior” to others? What did Charles Darwin imply when it comes to race, and are some cultures “superior” to others? What does the Bible say, and does scientific research in genetics back it up? The answers to these questions may surprise you… Bryan Osborne has a Master’s degree in Education from Lee University and taught Bible history in public school for 13 years. He is a speaker with Answers In Genesis, and has a passion for helping to combat the growing epidemic of Biblical illiteracy.

CLICK HERE to buy this DVD today!

Call 931-212-7990 to order.