The Magnificent Human Body

Tune in to TBN (Trinity Broadcasting Network) this Saturday, September 1st, at 1:30pm Central to see this week’s brand new episode of “Creation in the 21st Century.” Join David Rives as he welcomes Frank Sherwin to the program. It is easy to see great wisdom and purpose in the design of the human body, and everything we find points back to one magnificent Engineer! Learn more on this week’s episode of “Creation in the 21st Century.”

If you watched the program and want related material, we have an awesome DVD series. Just click the photo and links below to go to our store.

Screenshot 2015-10-08 21.44.10CLICK HERE to check out “MADE IN HIS IMAGE Exploring the Complexities of the Human Body” DVD Series in the Creation Superstore

Mankind: Made in the Image of God

Evolutionists say any appearance of design in nature is just an illusion. But how does that stack up to reality? “So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.” Genesis 1:27

A four-episode DVD series on the complexities of the human body

There is no better example of complex, conscious design than the human body. This awe-inspiring series will explore some of its most extraordinary systems, which are so perfectly designed and masterfully engineered that the viewer will be left with no doubt that we are indeed created by an expert designer, God. Produced from a biblical perspective, Made in His Image will inspire audiences by looking at the human body in all its wonder-fully functional, fully human, and fully created in God’s image. Featuring medical, engineering, and other experts like Dr. Randy Guliuzza, Made in His Image will fascinate audiences with mind-blowing facts, dazzling imagery, and memorable illustrations. The four episodes will examine the stages of human development and show that everything we need to fulfill God’s plan is instilled in us from the first moments of life. Each episode reinforces the knowledge that every human is special to God. He has endowed each of us with unique physical abilities, intellect, and spiritual lives to fulfill His purpose.

Episode 1: The Miracle of Birth. This episode shows the amazing development of a child from gestation to birth. Only a masterful creator could have designed a system that allows a child to thrive in a watery world for nine months then suddenly live in an air-breathing environment at birth.
Episode 2: The Marvel of Eyes. This episode explores the incredibly complicated human visual system and its vital role in our cognitive development from infancy through adulthood.
Episode 3: Uniquely Human Hands. This episode reveals the purposeful design of human hands and muscles that gives us unique abilities controlled by a sophisticated nervous system.
Episode 4: Beauty in Motion. This final episode illustrates the peak of human ability through athletic performance and revisits the aspects of complex design that confirm divine creation.

Christians of all ages will marvel at the complexity of God’s creation as revealed in Made in His Image. We hope this series will prompt viewers to worship the greatest Designer of all, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

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Call 931-212-7990 to order this compelling DVD set