The Most Complex Computer in the World | David Rives

The most complex computer ever designed and developed is the human brain! It is more sophisticated than the world wide web put together. We are not the result of accidents over millions of years, we were designed intelligently. We were wonderfully and fearfully made!

Your Microbiome and You | David RIves

Your Microbiome and You | David Rives

God designed His creation to work together. Just think about how many systems in nature involve multiple parts or a variety of organisms functioning together; photosynthesis requires the sun and the plant; the water cycle needs the sun, water vapor, and liquid water; decomposition involves plants or dead animals, scavengers, fungi, and microbes. Each part … Read More

Wonder of the Ear | David Rives

Have you ever wondered how you can hear my voice, or any other sound? Our sensitive ears can pick up the faint whisper of the breeze, the buzz of a bee’s wings, or the patter of rain on a puddle. These same ears can withstand music blaring in our headphones, a baby screaming, or a … Read More