Mutations - An Evolutionary Disadvantage?

Mutations – An Evolutionary Disadvantage? | David Rives

Why should you believe in creation, and not evolution? I mean, scientifically speaking. Haven’t we proven that Evolution is a fact? Adaptation is one thing… we observe that taking place. But for now, let’s look at mutations. That’s a fun one! You’ve seen it in movies, and read about it in the comic books. Somebody … Read More

Why You Should Believe In Creation …And Not Evolution – Natural Selection | David Rives

Why should you believe in creation, and not evolution? I mean, scientifically speaking. Haven’t we proven that evolution is a fact? When many people say “ evolution” what they really mean is the observable process known as “natural selection.” If only I had a nickel for every time someone has equivocated “evolution” and “natural selection”… … Read More