Metamorphosis: Life Lessons From A Butterfly?

What can a butterfly tell you about your life? When you see a butterfly fluttering from flower to flower in your backyard, you probably don’t stop to marvel at how that butterfly got there, but you should! Butterflies don’t start out very elegantly. They begin as a tiny caterpillar hatching out of an egg on … Read More

Geological Diversity – Lots of Rocks | David Rives

I was studying some geological formations not long ago, and started wondering why we have so many different types of rocks and soils. Surely God could have created the Earth with a few basic minerals? Why so much variety? That got me to thinking: why do I have a red sweater and a blue one? … Read More

Hummingbirds And Their Homes | David Rives

Tiny homes are all the rage these days. There are even TV shows dedicated to showcasing these little custom dwellings. But if you think that 300 square feet is minimalist, what if I told you about a comfortable home with a floor plan of less than one – square inch! That’s right, for the average … Read More