I Met Hercules! + NRB Update & Photos

Hello friends,   Last week, our ministry team had a presence at the National Religious Broadcasters annual media convention, as well as the Teach Them Diligently homeschool conference in Nashville, TN. Below are a few photos. I got a chance to connect with actor Kevin Sorbo, known for his roles in “Hercules” and “God’s Not … Read More

The Pantheon of Atheism

Atheism Is A Religion | david Rives

The intellectual atheist claims that he has no need for God. But in reality, he has created himself a Pantheon of gods. The three supreme deities being the god of natural selection, the god of time, and the god of spontaneous generation. It seems like it is the atheist’s religion. Where do you place your … Read More

Evolution is Dead! Take that, Nietzsche!

We have never been able to create life from non-life in the lab, despite millions upon millions of tests in the most favorable conditions possible. We have never observed one basic kind of animal turn into another kind, much less a human. Animals adapt…they change… THIS is observable. But a dinosaur has never turned into … Read More