Fossil Destruction | David Rives

The Biblical flood, as described in the Genesis account, presents a fascinating scenario that could have dramatically reshaped the Earth’s landscape. The turbulent waters of the flood, which were said to have covered the Earth, caused significant geological changes, including erosion, sediment deposition, and the displacement of ecosystems! These events not only altered the physical appearance of the planet but also had profound implications for the fossil record.

Many people enjoy marveling at the grand skeletal structures of dinosaurs, such as the T-Rex, or the remains of extinct megafauna like the woolly mammoth and saber-toothed tiger. However, throughout history, approximately 95% of fossils ever found are marine organisms.

The first fossil I ever found was a crinoid, a type of sea creature, and my colleagues will all concur… marine life is the most abundant type by far. This raises the question: where did the vast array of terrestrial life go? During the flood, the immense volume of water, combined with the violent forces of nature, would have led to the rapid burial of living organisms.

This process is actually crucial for fossilization, as it protects remains from decay and scavenging. however, the chaotic conditions of the flood could also mean that many organisms, especially land creatures, were ripped apart, scattered, and not buried under the right circumstances to become fossils. According to the historical record, 150 days passed with intense flooding, a period likely characterized by earthquakes and geysers of scalding water due to water pressure. Additionally, the mixing of sediments from various environments complicates the search for pre-flood land creatures.

As sediments from mountains, valleys, and other geological features were redistributed, the fossil record would have become jumbled and redistributed. Today when you dig through strata, you’re looking at a record of the order of deposition… typically the chronological order in which the animals were buried. But erosion taking place at the same time means that remains could have been scattered and then been reburied only hours later.

The Biblical flood was not just a small deluge but rather a monumental event corroborated by the exaggerated myths of many ancient cultures. The flood changed the world and the world took note. The post-flood environment would have been starkly different from the pre-flood world, and the reshaped landscapes and altered ecosystems would have led to completely new habitats for all life. The implications for actually understanding these scientific issues help us decipher the history of the world and the fossil record.

I’m David Rives,
Truly, the heavens declare the glory of God.