What is Time?

What Is Time? | David Rives

If you were asked to define time, how would you do it? You might say “it’s what the numbers on the clock represent,” or “it’s a measurement based on the movements of the sun, moon, and earth,” or you might even get really philosophical and say “a linear progression of moments.” And these are just … Read More

The Four Fundamental Forces | David Rives

There are four fundamental forces of nature that govern the way things operate. Many scientists think that perhaps, one day, a unified field theory will be developed that will bring all four forces together but that hasn’t happened yet. So here are the four fundamental forces: The gravitational force. This is the one you’re probably … Read More

What is a Black Hole? | David Rives

How do you detect something out in space that’s invisible? Well, you observe how the objects near it behave. This gives you clues about the nature of the invisible body. And that’s exactly how scientists have discovered and described black holes. Black holes are not visible through standard technology or telescopes, even though they’ve been … Read More

What is a Pulsar? | David Rives

If you ask the average person to name some things found in “outer space” they’ll probably name the moon, stars, planets, and maybe asteroids and comets. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg of the incredible diversity found throughout the cosmos. Today let’s look at pulsars. We’ve only known about pulsars since the 1960’s, … Read More

Gravity - A Force of Nature

Gravity: A Force of Nature | David Rives

We’ve all heard the story: Isaac Newton was sitting under an apple tree, saw an apple fall to the ground, and, viola, discovered gravity. Of course, the real story is much longer and more complicated than that. But Newton, who was a mathematician, physicist, and Bible-believing Christian, did describe gravity for the first time in … Read More

Gas In A Vacuum | David Rives

One theory of cosmic evolution is that after a Big Bang, 14 Billion Years ago, gas in the vacuum of space started contracting, eventually becoming so tight that it formed stars. It’s claimed that this happened trillions upon trillions of times to create the populated Universe we see today. However, we’ve never had ONE confirmed, … Read More