Fossils and the Flood

The Grand Canyon with David Rives and Dr. Andrew Snelling on TBN

Watch Creation in the 21st Century this Saturday, September 7th at 1:30pm Central. David Rives & Dr. Andrew Snelling talk about the Grand Canyon. If you watched the program and want related material, just click the photo and links below to go to our store. CLICK HERE to check out “Geology & The Flood” Trilogy … Read More

Too Much Helium? Geology and the Bible | David Rives

Why should you believe in creation, and not evolution? I mean, scientifically speaking. Haven’t we proven that evolution is a fact? The foundation for evolutionary ideas about the past is millions of years. Without the millions of years, it’s utterly impossible for evolution to have happened. Now, most people just take for granted that the … Read More

Geological Diversity – Lots of Rocks | David Rives

I was studying some geological formations not long ago, and started wondering why we have so many different types of rocks and soils. Surely God could have created the Earth with a few basic minerals? Why so much variety? That got me to thinking: why do I have a red sweater and a blue one? … Read More

No Erosion Between Rock Layers | David Rives

You’ve probably heard the conventional story of how the rock layers formed. The most popular story is that rock layers form slowly over millions of years by the same geologic processes we see operating today. Weathering and erosion then produced hills, valleys, and the other topographical features we see today. But a quick trip into … Read More

James Hutton – The Evolution of Evolution | David Rives

James Hutton was a Scottish geologist, physician, chemical manufacturer, naturalist, and experimental agriculturist. He’s considered the Founder of Modern Geology. It appears that he was a deist, but it’s also possible that he entertained the notion of atheism. He believed, at best, that God was distant from earth and did not intervene in creation. Before … Read More