Charles Spurgeon, sometimes referred to as the “Prince of Preachers” said that one day people “will speak, amid roars of laughter, of evolution; and the day will come, when there will not be a child but will look upon it as being the most foolish notion that ever crossed the human mind.” 2255.221
He explained evolution and its proponents like this: “The philosophy now in vogue labours to shut God out of his own creation. They inform us that by some means this world and all that is therein were evolved. Even this will not long content the men of progress: they care nothing for evolution in itself, but only so far as it may serve their purpose of escaping from the thought of God.” 1919.495
Today, may pastors are teaching their congregations that aspects of the Bible are not to be taken as literally true. They say that some passages, such as creation and the global flood, are nothing but allegorical helps. But why should we be concerned? Can belief in evolution really be such an important issue?
Joseph Stalin was talking with a childhood friend one day, when he volunteered a revealing statement: “You know, they are fooling us, there is no God… I’ll lend you a book to read; it will show you that the world and all living things are quite different from what you imagine, and all this talk about God is sheer nonsense.”
Questioned about the book, Stalin replied: “Darwin. You must read it.”
Yes, evolution is the first step of a path that we would do well to stay away from.
I’m David Rives…
Truly, The Heavens Declare the Glory of God.