Origin of the Cosmos David Rives

The Origin of the Cosmos | david Rives

Click here to sign up for our FREE bi-monthly publication The Creation Club magazine Good scientific theories make many specific accurate predictions, and the data should be observable and repeatable. That does not describe the common atheistic view of the origin of the universe. In fact, far from it. The big bang theory has, in … Read More

Theistic Evolution – A False Religion

CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP FOR OUR FREE BI-MONTHLY CREATION CLUB MAGAZINE WHERE THIS ARTICLE WAS FEATURED Today, there is an ever increasing demand for tolerance in our churches. Many require that Biblical views be compromised in order that they might agree with what is regarded as science – compromise without regards to the cost. … Read More

Gecko Feet Don’t Display Evolution | David Rives

CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP FOR OUR FREE BI-MONTHLY CREATION CLUB MAGAZINE WHERE THIS ARTICLE WAS FEATURED Certain types of Geckos have millions of tiny pads on the bottom of their feet which allows them to walk effortlessly on vertical surfaces – even glass! A few years ago, a startling discovery was made within the … Read More

Venus' Thick Atmosphere

Venus’ Thick Atmosphere

Venus has a thick covering of clouds and solar winds blowing at up to 220 MPH. What makes Venus the 3rd brightest object in the night sky? What makes Venus’ thick atmosphere unique compared to that of Earth? Learn answers in this compelling video. Consider a tax-deductible donation to help us continue to make these … Read More

The Wonder of Flight

The Wonder of Light | David Rives

When most of us think about light, we think about how it lets us see. But beyond that, there is a beautiful spectrum to light. Think of a rainbow or a prism where light is broken up into red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. That’s the visible spectrum but, of course, that’s not … Read More

The Mystery of Stonehenge

The Mystery of Stonehenge | David Rives

The famed Stonehenge remains a mystery to people around the world. Who built it? When and why was it constructed? David Rives goes on location to take a closer look and shed some light on these and other lingering questions about this feat of engineering. Watch the video!

torah scroll

“Had Ye Believed Moses…” – Jesus Defends Biblical Creation

Some Christians have entertained the possibility of evolution being compatible with a Biblical view. In other words, evolution – by way of God. Jesus Christ, Yeshua of Nazareth, our Messiah, stated in the New Testament book of John: “Had ye believed Moses, ye would have believed me: for he wrote of me. But if ye … Read More

What is a Quasar? | David Rives

In the 1950s astronomers were using radio telescopes to learn more about the heavens and they discovered something very strange. These objects, which they named “quasi-stellar objects” (Quasars for short), were small but extremely bright despite being very, very, very far away. What were they? Well, future research revealed Quasars are feeding black holes or … Read More

What is a Pulsar? | David Rives

If you ask the average person to name some things found in “outer space” they’ll probably name the moon, stars, planets, and maybe asteroids and comets. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg of the incredible diversity found throughout the cosmos. Today let’s look at pulsars. We’ve only known about pulsars since the 1960’s, … Read More

“Phantom Cloud” New Name For “Oort Cloud” – David Rives

Every time a new comet is spotted that was previously undocumented, it is claimed that the comet originated from the Oort Cloud. Articles, magazines, and scientific reports begin claiming that the comet left this proposed cloud tens of thousands of years ago, and is just getting to our solar system. But what is the Oort … Read More

A Star Is Born | David Rives

The common idea of stellar nurseries, claims that stars are born into existence as nebulous areas of space contract, forming a dense ball of gas. It sounds like a plausible explanation for the origin of stars in the universe. However, one big problem with this theory is that while we HAVE seen stars DESTROYED when … Read More

The Horror of the Flood – With David Rives and Mike Snavely on TBN

Tune in to TBN (Trinity Broadcasting Network) THIS Friday, August 5th @ 5:30pm CDT (3:30pm Pacific) to see this week’s episode of Creation in the 21st Century. Join David Rives (host), as he welcomes Mike Snavely of “Mission: Imperative!” Get answers to the 5 most asked questions about the global flood as recorded in the … Read More

Hummingbird Migration – Following God’s Call

Many birds migrate in flocks, traveling south for the winter and north for summer, as they follow warm weather and better feeding conditions. The Arctic Tern travels an estimated 45,000 miles EACH YEAR! Hummingbirds are known to migrate up to several thousand miles each year, and are only found in the Americas. One unique feature … Read More

“Creation in the 21st Century” episode: “Soft Tissue Found In Dinosaur Fossils” with Joe Taylor of “Mt. Blanco Fossil Museum”

DID YOU KNOW? Paleontologists have found ‘soft tissue’ in dinosaur fossil remains. According to evolutionary theory, dinosaurs went extinct around 65 million years ago. If this is true, then why are we finding blood vessels, and other examples of ‘soft tissue’; in the fossils of creatures that closely resemble what we know today as “Dinosaurs”? … Read More

3 Astounding Facts About Hummingbirds

The tiny hummingbird has a two-step lung system that allows it to utilize all of the oxygen it breathes. This efficient design might not be necessary for life, but for a bird who is flapping its wings at up to 80 times a second, it certainly is a helpful feature! The hummingbird can fly through … Read More

“Creation in the 21st Century” episode: “Amazing Insects of Creation” with Frank Sherwin of “Institute for Creation Research”

Get ready to be AMAZED at the unbelievable characteristics of the insects that we find all over the world. In this 30 minute program, David Rives is joined by Zoologist Frank Sherwin of the Institute for Creation Research. You will learn about so many amazing abilities that these creatures have. Awesome features that can only … Read More

Hummingbirds – God’s Tiny Wonder

Hummingbirds. Even though they are the smallest birds on earth, and the smallest of all warm-blooded creatures, they can still fly over 30 MPH, fly backward, and at birth, weigh less than a post-it note! These amazing creatures flap their wings up to 80 times a SECOND, allowing them to hover over flowers filled with … Read More

The Planet Saturn – I Won’t Be Moving

Saturn. Named after the god of agriculture worshipped in Rome at grand temples on (Capitol-line) Capitoline Hill, this gas giant is second only to Jupiter in size. Because of its dazzling system of rings encompassing the planet, Saturn has been the favorite of many a young astronomer. The rings are easily seen with even a … Read More

Does the Fate of Earth Rest on Giant Turtle’s Back?

Many of the ancients believed that the Earth was a flat disk or plane, sitting on the back of a giant turtle who floated in a giant pool of water. Quite a fanciful story. It sounds like a fairy tale… But still quite a complex and detailed idea! There’s another fanciful story, a complex and … Read More

Migración del Colibrí – Siguiendo el llamado de Dios

Muchas avesmigranen bandadas, viajando hacia el surpara el inviernoy al nortepara el verano,ya que siguenun clima cálidoy mejorescondiciones de alimentación. El charránárticoviajaa unas 45,000millas cadaaño! Los colibríes son conocidos por migrar hasta varios miles de millas cada año, y sólo se encuentran en las Américas. Una característica única de la migración del colibrí es que … Read More

Lengua Atada- La evolución de un colibrí

Los colibríes son criaturas notables, con su capacidad para flotar, volar hacia atrás, y extraer el néctar con su increíble lengua. Un largo y fino pico casas esa pequeña lengua, que el zumbido inserta en flores y vueltas hasta el néctar. Sin embargo, esa no es la lengua común. Su lengua consta de dos partes … Read More

3 Asombrosas cosas de los Colibríes que no sabías

El diminuto colibrí tiene un sistema de pulmón en dos pasos que le permite utilizar todo el oxígeno que respira. Este diseño eficiente puede que no sea necesario para la vida, pero para un pájaro que está agitando sus alas en un máximo de 80 veces por segundo, sin duda es una característica muy útil! … Read More

Colibríes – Pequeña maravilla de Dios

Colibríes. ¡A pesar de que son las aves más pequeñas de la tierra, y la más pequeña de todas las criaturas de sangre caliente, aún pueden volar más de 30 MPH, volar hacia atrás, y al nacer, pesan menos que un post-it! Estasincreíbles criaturasbaten susalashasta 80veces por segundo, lo que les permiteflotarsobre las floresllenas denéctar. … Read More

El Planeta Saturno – No me voy a mudar

Saturno. Nombrado en honor al dios de la agricultura adorado en Roma en grandes templos en (Capitol-line) Colina Capitolina, este gigante de gas es la segunda a Júpiter en tamaño. Debido a su sistema de anillos deslumbrantes que abarcan el planeta, Saturno ha sido el favorito de muchos un joven astrónomo. Los anillos son fáciles … Read More

Consumado es – La Sacrificada Ofrenda del Calvario

¿Alguna vez has mirado atrás en su trabajo, o un proyecto que ha sido parte de, y dijo “Consumado es”? Muchas veces, mirar hacia atrás y pensar: “Si yo hubiera hecho esto o lo otro un poco diferente …” No es así con nuestro Salvador en la cruz. En el griego, que nos dice que … Read More