The Abundant Witness of coal -by David Rives


Let’s talk about energy conservation and fossil fuel resources for a minute. In the video below I was standing in a coal seam in Eastern Tennessee, which means I was standing in the middle of thousands of plants that were buried, compressed, and heated. Now, while most of the coal has been extracted from this particular seam, I want to give you an idea of the vastness of the world’s coal deposits. Every continent has them, and some coal seams extend, not just for a few miles, but across—and between—whole continents.

Watch my short video on this topic.

While some coal seams are only a few feet thick, others measure as much as 90 feet deep of pure, compressed vegetation. We love it when we find rich anthracite-type coal, as it’s the cleanest, strongest burning coal you can dig up. Right now, we know where over a trillion tons of coal lie buried. If we continue to dig out and use coal at our present rate, there is enough (just that we know of) to last for well over another century before we run low.

For hundreds of years, coal has warmed our homes and fueled civilization’s growth. As the Industrial Revolution developed, new iron machinery was smelted using coal that was then used to more efficiently extract the coal from the ground. After the start of the 17 hundreds, demand for coal increased 500 percent but the price remained stable because of this circle of usefulness.

We are constantly looking for new ways to generate energy and also to conserve energy resources like coal. After all, we were given the Biblical mandate to take dominion over the world around us. That doesn’t mean we abuse it. It means we nurture, protect, but also use to our advantage the resources that God has given us, including coal.

Click herE TO WATCH MY VIDEO ABOUT how the rapid and not slow and gradual formation of Coal is backed by science.

Today we’re constantly developing cleaner ways to use the coal we have, and there is one thing that secular scientists don’t often mention: It’s much more expensive than the naturally formed version, but we have been able to make something quite similar to anthracite—that is, high quality, clean burning—coal…Not in millions of years… but in just minutes. The recipe is pretty simple—just add a lot of heat to the plant material you start with.

This black “rock” is far more than a mineral holding up the ground. It is a silent witness to the flood we read about in Scripture, but even more, it speaks to the creativity, judgement, and provision of Yahweh, the God of the Bible.

I’m David Rives,
Truly, the heavens declare the glory of God.