Bald Eagles and Bad Moral Character | David Rives

Did you know that Benjamin Franklin did not want the Bald Eagle named as the American symbol because it has a bad moral character? He wanted the wild turkey as the national bird. The Bald Eagle is a symbol of power and it does use this power to bully smaller birds to give up their … Read More

The Lion Pride | David Rives

Lions are the only social cat, living in groups of about fifteen called prides. These groups consist of two or three males, several related lionesses, and their cubs.

The Most Complex Computer in the World | David Rives

The most complex computer ever designed and developed is the human brain! It is more sophisticated than the world wide web put together. We are not the result of accidents over millions of years, we were designed intelligently. We were wonderfully and fearfully made!

Matthew Fontaine Maury – Inspired by God | David Rives

After becoming ill, Matthew Fontaine Maury’s daughter read him a passage of the Bible. This passage, Psalm 8, stuck in his mind: ‘ … whatsoever passeth through the paths of the seas’. Matthew Maury knew if the Bible said there were paths of the sea then there must be paths of the sea. And, he … Read More

The Hydrologic Cycle: Aristotle or Job? | David Rives

Amos 9:6 speaks of “He that calleth for the waters of the sea, and poureth them out upon the face of the earth: The LORD is his name.” It seems to be pointing to something taking place in nature, but does the Bible know best? Ancient Greeks studied the natural world, and brought about many … Read More

Why Are There So Many Kinds Of Rocks? | David Rives

I was studying some geological formations not long ago, and started wondering why we have so many different types of rocks and soils. Surely God could have created the Earth with a few basic minerals? Why so much variety? That got me to thinking: why do I have a red sweater and a blue one? … Read More

Too Much Helium? Geology and the Bible | David Rives

Why should you believe in creation, and not evolution? I mean, scientifically speaking. Haven’t we proven that evolution is a fact? The foundation for evolutionary ideas about the past is millions of years. Without the millions of years, it’s utterly impossible for evolution to have happened. Now, most people just take for granted that the … Read More

Why Is There Beauty In Design? | David Rives

Think about it: There’s great functionality in design. Take, for instance, a skyscraper or an ice cream cone. Both are designed to efficiently contain some element. One allows a scoop of ice cream to be held in an edible container, while the other design allows a relatively small footprint on the ground to hold thousands … Read More

Why Is The Sky Blue? | David Rives

Have you ever looked up at an almost cloudless blue sky and wondered at the expanse above you? The air around us is transparent—so invisible it’s easy to forget it’s even there—but somehow in the sunshine it turns blue. What’s going on? And, why blue? Physics gives us some fascinating answers! If we were standing … Read More

Orion: The Great Hunter | David rives

According to Greek mythology, – Orion, – the son of Poseidon, was blinded by OnOpion, – afterwards seeking Helios the sun god to be healed. During the course of his hunting expeditions, – he threatened to kill all the living animals, and was subsequently killed himself by a giant scorpion. After his death we’re told … Read More

Charles Messier: The Catalog of Space | DAvid Rives

Picking up an astronomy magazine, one might find a photo of the gorgeous Messier 42 or come across the spectacular Messier 13. Search the web for galaxies, and you might see Messier 101, or come across Messier 51. But what is this Messier, and what does it mean? Charles Messier was a Frenchman who lived … Read More

The Pleiades: Seven Sisters | David Rives

Everyone’s familiar with the Trojan horse, but you might be asking: “what does the Trojan horse have to do with astronomy”. Well, Virgil wrote of the Trojan horse and the Trojan wars and Homer did also, in 750 B.C., in the Iliad and Odyssey. Both Homer and Virgil also wrote of the Pleiades or the … Read More

The Whirlpool Galaxy | David Rives

Situated in the constellation Canes Venatici, we find the breathtaking Whirlpool Galaxy, also known as M51. This stunning object in the night sky appears as one large spiral galaxy feeding into another much smaller one. The primary galaxy was discovered by Charles Messier in 1774, however, its companion galaxy was not discovered until 1781 by … Read More

How To Wash Your Hands | David Rives

The Bible speaks of health practices including a reference to bathing in running water. Today, we realize that still water is less efficient at washing away germs and microbes. That’s the reason we wash our hands under a faucet of running water. But this knowledge of germs is fairly recent within the scientific community. Through … Read More