Earth’s Geo-Magnetic Field – David Rives

Click here to sign up for our FREE bi-monthly publication The Creation Club magazine Our planet is thought to contain a liquid iron core. But why is this significant? Earth’s Geo-Magnetic fields are believed to be produced by a liquid iron planetary core. The Geo-Magnetic field that surrounds the Earth enables our compasses to be used … Read More

Margaret Sanger – The Birth of Abortion | David Rives

Click here to sign up for our FREE bi-monthly publication The Creation Club magazine Ideas don’t exist in a vacuum. We’re all influenced by someone and it shapes the way we think and what we believe which, in turn, shapes how we act. Evolution is a philosophy that has shaped the minds of many leaders … Read More

Atheists Love Science, Or Do They? – David Rives

Click here to sign up for our FREE bi-monthly publication The Creation Club magazine “SCIENCE IS REAL!” That’s what atheists claim to shut down people who say God must be Creator. Whatever sticking point of impossibility they run up against—such as Spontaneous Generation—they will assure us that it’s only a matter of time before “science” … Read More

Mike Riddle of Creation Training Iniative

Life’s Origin with David Rives and Mike Riddle on TBN

Watch Creation in the 21st Century Saturday, June 27th at 12:30pm Central. David Rives welcomes Mike Riddle to the program. If you watched the program and want more resources featuring David Rives and Mike Riddle, just click the photo and links below to go to our store. CLICK HERE to check out “Learning Apologetics” 5 … Read More

Tropical seashore underwater landscape. Coral reef wall in open sea water.

Coral Reef Design – Symbiosis On The Reef

Hello friends, We have had a busy post-production schedule over the past month, and will be releasing several new videos in the upcoming weeks. The latest, just released is called “Symbiosis on the Reef” and looks at the amazing inter-connected relationships of sea creatures and how the colorful ocean life flourishes with God’s design.   … Read More

Mutations - An Evolutionary Disadvantage?

Mutations – An Evolutionary Disadvantage? | David Rives

Why should you believe in creation, and not evolution? I mean, scientifically speaking. Haven’t we proven that Evolution is a fact? Adaptation is one thing… we observe that taking place. But for now, let’s look at mutations. That’s a fun one! You’ve seen it in movies, and read about it in the comic books. Somebody … Read More

Metamorphosis: Life Lessons From A Butterfly?

What can a butterfly tell you about your life? When you see a butterfly fluttering from flower to flower in your backyard, you probably don’t stop to marvel at how that butterfly got there, but you should! Butterflies don’t start out very elegantly. They begin as a tiny caterpillar hatching out of an egg on … Read More

What About Extra-Terrestrial Life? | David Rives

How can we be so sure that there’s no extra-terrestrial life on other planets? Watch this short video as David Rives talks about the special characteristics of Earth and one ‘telling’ verse of Scripture.

The Pantheon of Atheism

Atheism Is A Religion | david Rives

The intellectual atheist claims that he has no need for God. But in reality, he has created himself a Pantheon of gods. The three supreme deities being the god of natural selection, the god of time, and the god of spontaneous generation. It seems like it is the atheist’s religion. Where do you place your … Read More

Charles Darwin – The Evolution of Evolution | David Rives

Evolutionary ideas are all around us. Every time you turn on the TV, watch the news, or read a science magazine you will more than likely find evolutionary content. How did this philosophy become so popular that it literally took over science? Evolution owes much of its popularity to a guy you’re probably familiar with…Charles … Read More

Ernst Haeckel – The Evolution of Evolution | David Rives

Evolution is found in scores of pages in your average high school textbook, but a lot of people don’t check the sources, because, after all, somebody smart wrote the book, right? Ernst Haeckel, a German zoology professor, was an ardent supporter and promoter of Darwin’s ideas about evolution. It was really due to this free-thinker … Read More

Why Is There Beauty In Design? | David Rives

Think about it: There’s great functionality in design. Take, for instance, a skyscraper or an ice cream cone. Both are designed to efficiently contain some element. One allows a scoop of ice cream to be held in an edible container, while the other design allows a relatively small footprint on the ground to hold thousands … Read More

Great Scientists: Louis Pasteur and Abiogenesis

The anti-Biblical doctrine that life can originate from non-life, or spontaneously generate, has been pondered since the time of the ancient Greek philosophers. This abiogenesis was even suggested by Charles Darwin himself. The famed French microbiologist, Louis Pasteur, was instrumental in his work with disease immunology and germ theory. He was contemporary with Darwin, and … Read More

Hiding THIS In A Stool Could Have Cost You Your Life!

In this short video, David talks with Bible historian, Rusty Maisel about ancient times when people would hide a certain valuable treasure under a stool. If they were caught with this invaluable possession, it would almost certainly cost them their lives. Watch this intriguing video to find out more!

Bible Knows Best: DNA, God’s Blueprints for Life

In Psalm 139 we read “Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them.” Does the Bible know best? Deoxyribonucleic Acid, or DNA can be expressed as a WRITTEN language that creates the … Read More