Mount St. Helens: Young Earth Proof

Mount St. Helens: Young Earth Proof | David Rives

May 18, 1980, Mount St. Helens erupted and the blast flattens the forest for a radius of up to 7 miles long. Some trees were sheared off and landed in Spirit Lake. When these trees became waterlogged they sank upright into mud and debris. This is exactly what we are told takes millions of years … Read More

Bald Eagles and Bad Moral Character | David Rives

Did you know that Benjamin Franklin did not want the Bald Eagle named as the American symbol because it has a bad moral character? He wanted the wild turkey as the national bird. The Bald Eagle is a symbol of power and it does use this power to bully smaller birds to give up their … Read More

The Most Complex Computer in the World | David Rives

The most complex computer ever designed and developed is the human brain! It is more sophisticated than the world wide web put together. We are not the result of accidents over millions of years, we were designed intelligently. We were wonderfully and fearfully made!

The Hydrologic Cycle: Aristotle or Job? | David Rives

Amos 9:6 speaks of “He that calleth for the waters of the sea, and poureth them out upon the face of the earth: The LORD is his name.” It seems to be pointing to something taking place in nature, but does the Bible know best? Ancient Greeks studied the natural world, and brought about many … Read More

Could All Of The Animals Fit On Noah’s Ark? | David Rives

Many skeptics of the Bible, and even fellow Christians, have wondered how Noah could’ve fit all the millions of modern animal species on the Ark. He would have needed a fleet of cargo ships! But Noah didn’t take all the species on the Ark! Noah was only commanded to take every kind of land-dwelling, air-breathing … Read More

Is Genesis History? | David Rives

Here at David Rives Ministries, we talk a lot about Genesis and how easy it is to read and understand the first book of the Bible. Now, Christians have many different ways that they look at Genesis and a part of our ministry is encouraging them that we don’t have to relegate Genesis to mere … Read More

The Origin of Languages | David Rives

After Noah and his family got off the Ark God gave them a simple command, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth.” But just two chapters later we read the response of Noah’s descendants, “Come, let us build ourselves a city, and a tower whose top is in the heavens; let us make a … Read More

“Phantom Cloud” New Name For “Oort Cloud” – David Rives

Every time a new comet is spotted that was previously undocumented, it is claimed that the comet originated from the Oort Cloud. Articles, magazines, and scientific reports begin claiming that the comet left this proposed cloud tens of thousands of years ago, and is just getting to our solar system. But what is the Oort … Read More

Charles Darwin – The Evolution of Evolution | David Rives

Evolutionary ideas are all around us. Every time you turn on the TV, watch the news, or read a science magazine you will more than likely find evolutionary content. How did this philosophy become so popular that it literally took over science? Evolution owes much of its popularity to a guy you’re probably familiar with…Charles … Read More

Thomas Huxley – The Evolution of Evolution | David Rives

Evolution… is popular! It seems that every time you turn on the TV, read a college textbook, or flip through an astronomy magazine you see SOME FORM of it. How did this philosophy become so popular that it literally took over science? Well, maybe we should take a look at Thomas Huxley, who was a … Read More

Biblical Disease Prevention | David Rives

Got a Disease? Get out of Camp! Speaking in reference to those with certain diseases, Leviticus 13:46 commands that as long as they have the sickness, they should dwell alone; outside of the camp. Does this practice make sense from a scientific perspective? Up until the 18th Century, much of the scientific community believed in … Read More

A Nautical Commander’s Story | David Rives

Matthew Fontaine Maury was known as the “Pathfinder of the Seas”. His story — goes something like this: In the mid 1800’s, Matthew became ill and was laid up in bed. So, one day, his daughter came in to keep him company and began to read from the book of Psalms: “…whatsoever passeth through the … Read More

A Star Is Born | David Rives

The common idea of stellar nurseries, claims that stars are born into existence as nebulous areas of space contract, forming a dense ball of gas. It sounds like a plausible explanation for the origin of stars in the universe. However, one big problem with this theory is that while we HAVE seen stars DESTROYED when … Read More

Gas In A Vacuum | David Rives

One theory of cosmic evolution is that after a Big Bang, 14 Billion Years ago, gas in the vacuum of space started contracting, eventually becoming so tight that it formed stars. It’s claimed that this happened trillions upon trillions of times to create the populated Universe we see today. However, we’ve never had ONE confirmed, … Read More

Charles Lyell – The Evolution of Evolution | David Rives

Charles Lyell was a British lawyer and geologist who lived during the nineteenth century. He published a three-volume work called Principles of Geology, which promoted his ideas of an old earth, geologic ages, and uniformitarianism. This is the belief that the present is the key to the past. He believed that the slow and gradual … Read More

James Hutton – The Evolution of Evolution | David Rives

James Hutton was a Scottish geologist, physician, chemical manufacturer, naturalist, and experimental agriculturist. He’s considered the Founder of Modern Geology. It appears that he was a deist, but it’s also possible that he entertained the notion of atheism. He believed, at best, that God was distant from earth and did not intervene in creation. Before … Read More

Too Much Salt! – Why You Should Believe In Creation …And Not Evolution | David Rives

Why should you believe in creation, and not evolution? I mean, scientifically speaking. Haven’t we proven that evolution is a fact? The backbone of evolutionary ideas about the past is the supposed long ages of earth’s history. Without the millions of years there’s simply no chance that evolution could ever have happened. And there’s lots … Read More

Biology & The Bible – with David Rives and James Worrell on TBN

Tune in TBN (Trinity Broadcasting Network) THIS Friday, December 9th @ 5:30pm Central (3:30 Pacific) to see this week’s episode of “Creation in the 21st Century.” Join David Rives (host) as he welcomes ministry friend, James Worrell to this episode titled: “Biology & The Bible.” What is DNA and what does it tell us about … Read More

The Horror of the Flood – With David Rives and Mike Snavely on TBN

Tune in to TBN (Trinity Broadcasting Network) THIS Friday, August 5th @ 5:30pm CDT (3:30pm Pacific) to see this week’s episode of Creation in the 21st Century. Join David Rives (host), as he welcomes Mike Snavely of “Mission: Imperative!” Get answers to the 5 most asked questions about the global flood as recorded in the … Read More

Neil DeGrasse Tyson – The Murder of Innocents | David Rives

Neil DeGrasse Tyson is a popular astrophysicist with an agenda. His charming personality exudes confidence and makes it easy for us to listen to him explain facts about space. But often he strays far from his specialized field, and delves into the realm of religion – something he seems to be vocal about, even though … Read More