Evolução é Ciência… ou Religião?

O dicionário Merriam Webster define religião como: “Causa, princípio ou sistema de crenças defendidas com ardor e fé”. Os evolucionistas ACREDITAM em muitas coisas… Acreditam que há bilhões de anos houve uma super explosão (Big Bang) não direcionada. Acreditam que essa suposta explosão causou a formação de todas as estrelas e planetas. Acreditam que os … Read More

“Nuvem Fantasma” Novo Nome para a “Nuvem de Oort”

Toda vez que um novo cometa é descoberto, dizem que ele teve origem na Nuvem de Oort. Artigos, revistas e publicações científicas começam a dizer que o cometa deixou a tal nuvem há dezenas de milhares de anos e está vindo justamente para o nosso sistema solar. Mas, o que é a nuvem de Oort? … Read More

Qualquer Teoria Sobre a Criação Requer Fé

A Bíblia afirma que “No princípio, criou Deus os céus e a terra”. Da mesma forma que os cristãos têm fé naquilo em que acreditam, muitas teorias associadas à evolução também são baseadas na fé. Eis onde a nossa fé é diferente: enquanto os evolucionistas agnósticos têm fé em que as teorias humanas um dia … Read More

A Origem do Cosmos

Boas teorias científicas fazem muitas previsões específicas precisas, e seus dados devem ser observáveis e repetíveis. Essa definição não descreve a teoria ateísta popular do Big Bang. Na verdade, está bem longe disso. O big bang é ficção científica e NÃO trata da questão das origens. A teoria do big bang é uma proposta para … Read More

Nossa Terra Especial: A Visita do Criador

Acredito que a Terra seja muito especial. Quase toda a narrativa da criação em Gênesis enfoca a formação e o desenvolvimento da Terra. O profeta Isaías afirma: “Porque assim diz o SENHOR, que criou os céus, o Deus que formou a terra, que a fez e a estabeleceu; que não a criou para ser um … Read More

The Pleiades Star Cluster (M45)

The Pleiades star cluster is an awesome target for naked-eye stargazing, but it’s even more breathtaking through a pair of powerful binoculars!

Signos de los Tiempos – La Biblia y Astrología

La práctica de la astrología implica el uso de estrellas, planetas y constelaciones de signos. Según el relato bíblico, el sol, la luna y las estrellas iban a ser los signos, estaciones, días y años. ¿Por lo tanto, esto hace la astrología bíblicamente aceptable? En realidad, todo lo contrario. Una diferencia importante entre los signos … Read More

NEWS: Creation in the 21st Century with David Rives | “Astronomy Confirms A Young Universe” with Dr. Jason Lisle

Join David Rives in this week’s power-packed episode as he welcomes Dr. Jason Lisle of the “Institute For Creation Research”. An astrophysicist by trade, Dr. Lisle shares compelling evidence that suggests a relatively young universe. You will not want to miss this show as Dr. Jason Lisle provides ammunition to combat the dangerous theories of … Read More

Creación – ¿El Libro de la Naturaleza?

Hoy en día, hay una tendencia cada vez mayor para elevar la naturaleza a nivel de la autoridad de la Santa Biblia. Algunos incluso hacen referencia a “La Biblia” y “El Libro de la Naturaleza”, como si fueran iguales. Galileo habla poéticamente del “libro de la naturaleza “, y de hecho, toda la creación de … Read More

The “Witch Head” Nebula

Just West of the blue/white star Rigel, lies what is known as the “Witch Head” nebula. Bring out your most powerful stargazing gear and see if you can spot this magnificent creation in the heavens.

Creation in the 21st Century with David Rives | “Discovering God’s Glory” with guest Eric Hovind

Join David Rives in this powerful episode of Creation in the 21st Century as he welcomes Eric Hovind of Creation Today Ministries. Your faith-based convictions will become even stronger as Eric shares his awesome testimony with us in this 30 minute program! If you are interested in more material from Eric’s ministry, click the links … Read More

Atrapa una Estrella Fugaz: Todo sobre Meteoros

¡Mira, arriba en el cielo! ¡Es una estrella fugaz! ¿O lo es? Si alguna vez has visto un resplandor brillante rayando a través del cielo en la noche, probablemente ya has adivinado: No es una estrella real. Hay millones de partículas que golpean la atmósfera de la Tierra cada día. Éstos van desde el tamaño … Read More

Astronomía vs astrología

Cuando doy presentaciones sobre la belleza de la creación de Dios, y cómo los cielos cuentan la gloria de Dios, a menudo hay quienes erróneamente referencia lo que presento como la astrología. Corrijo rápidamente, señalando que el campo de la ciencia que se discute se llama ASTRONOMÍA . Los dos términos suenan muy similares y … Read More

Messier 79

See if you can’t catch a glimpse of Messier 79. Classified as a globular cluster, M79 is a rare Winter cluster located just South of Orion, in the constellation Lepus AKA “The Hare”.

“God’s Word Preserved Through Adversity”

Join David Rives Wednesday January 22nd, as he welcomes Dr. Rusty Maisel to this week’s episode of “Creation in the 21st Century” for 30 minutes of suspense. Learn of treacherous events in history, that resulted in the worldwide distribution of the most important book ever written. Tune in Wednesday January 22nd for this MUST SEE … Read More

Messier 78

M78 is located to the upper left of the left-most star in Orion’s belt. Pop on an Oxygen III filter and see if you can see this faint emission nebula.

Our Special Earth: The Creator’s Visit – David Rives

I believe that the Earth is very special. The Genesis account of creation focuses almost entirely on the formation and development of Earth. The prophet Isaiah states: “Thus saith the LORD that created the heavens; God himself that formed the earth and made it; he hath established it, he created it not in vain, he … Read More

“Orion” in January

Go outside with your equipment and see if you can catch some awesome views of the “Great Orion” Nebula this month!

David’s New TV Show Premieres TOMORROW!

“Creation in the 21st Century” Premieres TOMORROW, Jan 8, 11am Central (9 Pacific) on TBN! TOMORROW is the series premiere of our new weekly program “Creation in the 21st Century” seen on TBN! Please help us by telling your Facebook friends, and by forwarding this email. Don’t miss the first episode of this exciting new … Read More

The Origin of The Cosmos – David Rives

Good scientific theories make many specific accurate predictions, and the data should be observable and repeatable. That does not describe the common atheistic view of the Big Bang. In fact, far from it. The big bang is science fiction, and does NOT address the question of origin. It only proposes a theory attempting to explain … Read More

Quadrantid Meteor Shower 2014

Tonight, January 2nd and tomorrow night January 3rd, should be the peak of this year’s Quadrantid meteor shower. Go out and see if you can’t spot a few! On Sunday, January 5th, the planet Jupiter will be at opposition with the Sun. This means that the large gas giant will rise in the East as … Read More


TV PREMIERE – 6 DAYS AND COUNTING! Can you believe it? In less than 6 days the premiere of “Creation in the 21st Century” will air worldwide! We are so excited and can’t wait to start bringing these exciting programs to a television near you! Note from David: “Hello all, first I want to thank … Read More